Tuesday, July 12, 2005

  • No, There are differences between the US and China, but, with 2 million folks in jail, we may ask ourselves the question... when do we realize we are living in a police state? Here are some photographs from BEFORE the "Patriot Act" Shortly after the incident with the student and the tank in China, we see what would have happened in New York City. The following photographs are from a police action to remove squaters from a building in which they had lived for years.

  • What to wear to an eviction...

  • What is the use of having a tank... if you don't use it?
  • Nothing to see folks... just move along ( the press was kept a block away in a pened in area... one journalist - from WNYC Beth Fertig, got into the squat... she was arrested and her press credentials removed for a time... what price liberty?
  • Someone sits in front of the tank. That stopped the tanks in China for hours... New York...
  • tsquare
  • Hardly time to take the photo... about 15 seconds later the tank is free to go... everyone is free in the USA! Even tanks!

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