Tuesday, July 05, 2005

  • Traditional, English verses Lorcan Otway all rights reserved...

  • Seisd: Chorus:
    Màili dhonn, bhòidheah dhonn,
    Màili dhonn,
    thill i dhachaidh
    Gruagach òg a chùil duinn,
    Dh' eireadh m'intinn air t'fhaicinn.

    Mary’s Sean fished a trawler,
    And he named her after Mary
    Fine a craft as ever sailed
    From the shipyards of West Kerry
    The Buisness men in Belgim
    Say our fishing is poaching
    while in the lea of our harbours
    Dannish trawlers are encroaching

    I watched him slip his lines
    To fish where seas are still free
    two hundred miles off shore
    past the common market's boundry

    Clearing Innish Vic Illan,
    Seven Brothers and the Skelligs
    Bear South West to meet the swells
    Building up from the Antarctic

    The glass is falling fast
    and the winds are now lashing
    as the night closes in
    sheets of lightning now are flashing
    Though the seas pound our shores
    like many long guns a-blazing
    still I know he'll return
    red storm tris'le he'll be raising
    We have lost all our gear
    and our engine is drowned
    and we pray for our wives
    that our boddies will be found
    I will watch for my Sean
    I'll keep watch here on Sleahead
    there'll be seagulls in his wake
    then this black shawl I will shed

    Gura mise tha gu tinn,Cùl mo ceaun air an leacann,Bha mi (i) reimhe rotach, garbhAir an fhairge 'gam marcachd.

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